Conventional energy
From the first coal-fired power plants to modern combined cycle power plants, Ponticelli has always been a major actor in the conventional energy industry in France and abroad. Initially a leading contractor in the construction of thermal power stations, the Group has followed the progress of power plants and its client’s needs by developing maintenance and dismantling activities, and is currently an expert in this domain.
Our solutions
Discover our solutions adapted to your needsNEW POWER PLANTS
The construction of new power plants in the energy industry presents recurring challenges such as the installation of numerous types of equipment in shutdown buildings, working for a considerable amount of time in confined spaces and very tight work schedules due to the complexity of preliminary studies and equipment delivery times. Our experience of these constraints and the scope of our know-how enables Ponticelli to offer performance solutions adapted to every situation. In particular our construction engineering which relies on specific construction methods, modularisations, transfers and heavy lifting enables us to minimise the duration of operations on critical sites.
On conventional electrical power plants, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) suppliers of main equipment such as gas or steam turbines and generators generally propose to carry out planned shutdowns. But the cost of their personnel and quite often their geographical remoteness means that their services are expensive. Thanks to its national coverage, mechanical expertise, closely located workshops and its ability to follow the OEM’s assembly-maintenance ranges, Ponticelli can offer an alternative, more economical and safer solution via simple OEM supervision.

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The Ponticelli Frères Group’s trades and know-how are centred around three main skills covering the complete life cycles of industrial facilities and large infrastructures.
From the pre-project design stage to detailed studies, Ponticelli offers integrated engineering services to help industrial clients prepare successful projects.
Specialists in the key trades of mechanics, industrial piping and lifting/rigging, Ponticelli builds new plants to develop new infrastructures or increase existing capacities.
Expert in maintenance on industrial facilities, Ponticelli ensures their upkeep, modernisation and compliance to enable operators to maximize productive potential.
Your Ponticelli contact

Eva Lempicki
1 rue Lilienthal - Emerainville - BP 79
77312 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
+33 (0)1 64 11 11 64