Corporate Social Responsibility
Thierry Le Gangneux, CEO
Corporate social responsibility, at the heart of Ponticelli Group strategy
No company nowadays can plan its business development without including progress on the environmental, social, societal and ethical fronts. By putting CSR at the heart of its corporate strategy, the Group aims to secure its long-term future by playing its part in building a better and more sustainable world.
The Group’s sustainable development approach is centred around four core commitments, deployed and reinforced by the Group’s CSR and Ethics Department on a daily basis. These commitments ensure that we are fully able to meet the requirements of all our stakeholders.

The Global Compact
Groupe Ponticelli Frères became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact in 2017 and produces an annual progress report on initiatives undertaken in the preceding year.
The Global Compact is a voluntary initiative to pursue corporate sustainable development goals. It promotes private sector engagement around four central themes: human rights, international labour standards, environmental protection and combatting corruption.
Since 2013, the Ponticelli Group has undergone assessment by EcoVadis, an extra-financial rating body that scores the performance of our CSR approach.
In 2024, the Group retained its Gold medal rating with a score of 72/100, ranking it among the top 5% of the highest-ranked companies of all those assessed (75,000).
Download the rating details

Fondation du Sport Français
In 2022, the Ponticelli Group entered into a three-year sponsorship agreement with the French sports federation, the Fondation du Sport Français. A registered charity, the foundation aims to support and federate sports-based initiatives. Its goals are to encourage social and professional inclusion through sport, to promote the values of health, education and accessibility, and to support France’s top athletes in their post-retirement careers.
For more information, visit the website: Fondation du Sport Français
Undertaking against modern slavery and human trafficking
The Ponticelli Group adheres to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
We accordingly oppose, and maintain vigilance throughout our supply chain in order to prevent, the use of forced labour, child labour and human trafficking.
To read our declaration, click on the link: Modern Slavery Statement de Ponticelli UK
Our sustainability commitments
The Group’s sustainability approach is backed by strong governance built around four major and interacting fields of action underpinning our commitments.
The men and women who form our Group are our greatest strength. We therefore strive to create a dynamic and safe working environment, where everyone’s professionalism is secure. Priority is given to health and the safety of all those working for the Group and to the development of human capital.
- A recognised management of Health and Safety at Work
The various certifications obtained in Health and Safety at Work management illustrate the Group’s maturity on the matter: MASE, VCA, ISO 45001 and CEFRI (nuclear sector). - A highly active development of skills
Our training policy aims to develop employees’ skills and prepare them to be able to take up new challenges. Every year the Group devotes significant resources to this. An internal training institute provides training dedicated to safety, quality and management, and also aims to develop managerial, technical and transversal skills.
The “Professional future” law promulgated on September 5th 2018 gives Ponticelli Frères the opportunity to strengthen its commitments to its employees through actions whose results will impact the index on professional equality between women and men.
For 2023, this index reaches the score of 89 points.
The results obtained for each indicator are as follows:
- Pay gap indicator: 39 points
- Individual increase rate deviation indicator: 20 points
- Promotion rate gap indicator: 15 points
- Percentage of employees who received an increase in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15 points
- Number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid: 0 point
Percentage of women in management bodies in 2023: 28%
- A body of reference documentation
The Ponticelli Group Code of Ethical Conduct sets out the Group’s commitments in matters of integrity and transparency. It illustrates our vision of irreproachable and responsible conduct of business affairs, wherever we may operate. The involvement of all concerned, from employees to stakeholders, is fundamental to fulfilling our undertakings in France and internationally.
Our Code of Ethical Conduct sets out the ethical principles and obligations that should guide all our employees in their everyday behaviour, whatever their role or field of activity within the Group. - A whistleblowing procedure
The Ponticelli Group has introduced a whistleblowing procedure to enable any employee, whatever their status, to report any behaviour contrary to Group values and commitments (corruption, fraud, discrimination, harassment, environmental harm, etc.).
The procedure guarantees the whistleblower protection and confidentiality throughout the investigation process.. - Employee awareness-raising initiatives
Ponticelli offers a training programme to raise awareness of ethical issues and anti-corruption measures for those employees with the highest exposure to risk (in Purchasing, for example) and for all Group executives and technical and supervisory staff.
Well aware that our environmental footprint is restricted by being a service provider to industry, we cannot however ignore its consequences and we are making every effort to protect the environment.
- A tendency towards hybrid and electrical vehicles
Studies on greenhouse gas emissions have revealed that most of our pollution comes from our fleet of vehicles. As a result, the Group has developed the use of hybrid fuel vehicles and small utility vehicles that are 100% electric. - Efforts in favour of biodiversity
Well aware of the environmental issues that bees and their role in maintaining biodiversity represent, original efforts have been made within the Group.
They range from sponsoring beehives with beekeepers to their installation on our sites, and training employees to take care of them on a voluntary basis. - An Environment Committee has been set up which centralises and pools skills between entities.
We support solidarity actions and projects that are centred around development, education, health and culture. To do so we are involved with communities in the countries we work in and participate in local development.
There are numerous actions which take various forms: financial support, donations of equipment, skills-based sponsorships, mobilisation of employees…
- 1 significant action per year
In 2015 through a partnership with the emergency social services in Pointe Noire (Samu Social) we were able to contribute to educational projects.
In 2016 the Group financed the purchase of a van to be used for daily rounds for a soup kitchen (Relais du cœur de la Seine Saint Denis).
In 2017 Group employees took part in Run Disney to raise funds for a heart surgery association (l’Association Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque). This enabled a little one-year old girl from the Congo Brazzaville to have essential heart surgery.
In 2018 the Group renewed its partnership with the heart surgery association and developed projects with a foundation that helps disadvantaged young people (L’Association des Apprentis d’Auteuil)